WASHINGTON—Global Policy Solutions today launched www.globalpolicy.tv, a new public affairs website featuring viewpoints from a diverse group of policy experts whose opinions are rarely heard in the mainstream media.
GlobalPolicy.tv will feature the Officials Forum, a weekly opinion-editorial from an elected or appointed official from the federal, state or local level. This week’s Officials Forum is from Village of Hempstead, N.Y. Mayor Wayne J. Hall, Sr. on why local officials decided to move the $12.5 million in the village’s accounts at Chase Bank to a competitor because Chase would not help Hempstead residents refinance mortgage loans.
“GlobalPolicy.tv is an online public square that showcases the ideas of a wide-range of people who have real policy solutions to the challenges facing our world,” said Dr. Maya Rockeymoore, founder of GlobalPolicy.TV and president and CEO of Global Policy Solutions. “It will also be a valuable resource in providing policymakers with news and information from opinion leaders they might not otherwise hear from, because discussions about how to overcome our nation’s challenges should include a wide variety of voices.”
Another weekly feature, Spotlight, will profile community leaders, advocates and policymakers who have dedicated their careers to improving our communities, our nation and the world. This week’s Spotlight profiles Anne Price from the Insight Center for Community Economic Development and how her work as director of the Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Initiative is critical to strengthening our economy.
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